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Showing posts with label 6/11/2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6/11/2010. Show all posts

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I am

Heya, now is week 10 in swinburne. I have face all kind of problems. I have no idea what's going happen in the future. I'm looking present lives and hope can go the path that I want in the future !

I failed sometimes. I'm sad. I'm happy. I'm satisfied. I'm dumb. I'm jealous. I'm not confident myself.Overall, I gain experience what I have been through. I'd wish I'm like HIM, I see his shoulder who make me want push a big ROCK in front of me, I want be special than HIM. HIS LOVE sacrifice make who I'm right now. Without HIM, I'm not longer being called Linspire here or who I'm right now. =D

Guys out there..please encourage me to LOOK PRESENT instead BackWard. I want move forward to fight to get MY KEY. The key I have keep finding since secondary times until now. So keep fighting ! I may be bit selfish to asking you guys to bless me, BUT your encouraging is MY enzym to move further than expected. I'm sure everyone Looking forward and fight for what they dream for ! Jia you ! Gambateh !

I can do it ! You guys out there truly can make true of urself !
