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Showing posts with label Movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movie. Show all posts

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Critical updates movies , drama .

Hey , guys !!
Same reason for didnt update the blog because of studies ! Hahax
Anyway , I would like to introduce some dramas which I had watched or currently drama , movie ~
Watching is like my hobby , relieve stress . Haha.

OK , here we go !!!
MOVIE: PAINTED SKIN 画皮 ( Quite ok for this movie )

She actually is a wolf form monster.
The main hero character who only loves to his wife.
The main fighting hero character , winks~
The wife to the general.

DRAMA: 少年四大名捕 (25 episodes) - Suite me to watch. ^^

The smartest and good in fighting character.
Attitude good , good in combat fighting style.
Talkative, average in fighting, tricky.
Good is sword skill , quite, somehow call him cold-blood

Friday, September 12, 2008

Wall E

Wall-E , graphic: 9/10 , story: 8.7/10
Ok , I had watched it yesterday night.
I'm very proud of western high-end 3D drawing with movie.
It's very nice story and funny !!
It's very cute for each character in the story!!

Wall-E, you are such cute robot.
Best friend of Wall-E , wall-E always let it eats the cheese cake.
Super power robot that is fate with Wall-E , Eva.

We can be together !!
After been hundred-years doing same things, keep tracking anything signal from universe.
Romantic couple robots.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Movie- The Mummy 3

Plot story : 6/10
Graphic 3D : 8/10
Climax : 6/10

The mummy 3
I watched it yesterday ! Anyway , the overall story was nice . I'm still satisfied with it .
Drink holy water gain immortal lives.

The powerful of fierce ,evil king.
The Witch curse the king and his soldiers.

The lover of witch ! One sight love lolz!

The soldiers of kings being cursed under ground been found

Thousand of soldiers serve the king !

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pirates Movie again!

This week, I rewatched two pirates movies !
Pirates of Caribbean : Dead Man Chest
Pirates of Caribbean : At World's End

I love their graphical design , so nice !! (9/10)
Plot Story is not bad also. (8.5/10)

Davy Jones, undead sea creature who desperate for LOVE. Pierce his heart to kill him.

And these are his ship crews for serving 100 years.

And his ultimate sea monster creatures , octopus type . Crashing the ship.

Travel IN Sea!!

Lolz, no pinky-pinky, no winzy-winzy !?? =_______=
Very COLD eh?

White crab? HAHAz


Go! Go!

Welcome to Singapore ~ winks~
Eternal of Jack Sparow 's Dad.

Next movie of pirates in future? HOPE SO. ^^

Forever LOVE.
Another couple~LOVE

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Rewatch and watch

Yesterday , I rewatch the "Pirates of the Carribean The curse of black pearl" , because I want know clearly the plot story so I did . Lol. Spoilers again in wikipedia.

Captain Jack Sparow!!!!!!!!!!!

Pirates to be warned !!! Look at the board beside rightend of skeleton !! lolz
Captain Barbosa!!! Being cursed for many years !! Moon shines become skeleton!!!

Today I did watch another movie called "Big Stank" . Funny but a lot of foul languages . A lot of gay words come out also...sighed =.=||

Big Stank
Big guy talks story in prison , said he is gay!!
What he want tell Stank is , "Everyone loves Your Ass***** F*** YeaH"

Big Stank BRO !!

Ok it's time to bed now ! Cya!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

WANTED ( 2008 )

Yesterday, I had watched this . WARNING : Wikipedia contains all the story line , Please watch it before you read them, SPOILERS~
I was shocked that you the photo of rightside inside the red, got driver!! help Angelina Jolie drive lolz.

If you watched carefully, the gun of Angelina Jolie like toygun it just got function of cam.

The story line not really good (6/10).
Nice high-technology design , slow motion like matrix. Sometimes make really to0 fake!
Shooting style is like freestyle shooting !! lolz. (6.5/10)