Another year end and yet coming new year.
Some ppl have their wish come true by the end of this year.
Some ppl dont.
Well,for ppl dont and dont give up what you guys dream for, fight for it !
Today's my day.
I'm not really statisfy overall this year achievement.
I'll do smarter and tougher to achieve it.
God,I believe all these years,every day,every hours,every min,every secs..what I go through it will lead me better.
I would like to say thank you for Eng Ling's group friend for organised house bbq party. I cant really say anything.
Just myself,all the best to me. XD
Centre nuffnang ads winks~
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This disney 3D animation story plot is funny and good.
I like Rapunzel character ,she's purely good heart,friendly,singing skill,life-learning. She's pretty. =D
The male character really so lucky to have Rapunzel as his wife.
I'm quite envy what he got well this animation is kind of fairy tale eh ?
Haha. Well,stop dreaming right now, it cant be true in this way.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Finals are over !!
Haha !!
Hope every swinbird enjoy their holidays ~
I'm going plan for my holidays~
Hope it's nvr too late !
Enjoy holidays ~
Haha !!
Hope every swinbird enjoy their holidays ~
I'm going plan for my holidays~
Hope it's nvr too late !
Enjoy holidays ~
Monday, November 29, 2010
Forward forward !!
Things happening good or bad. I have friends supporting me, I'm always ready to move forward. That's my positive thinking now.. Oh yeah ! Jia you !
Friday, November 26, 2010
Final Exam !!
Finals is getting nearer !! Left One weeks !!
Everyone is stress !! I'm very pek chek and stress !!
Jia you everyone !!
Everyone is stress !! I'm very pek chek and stress !!
Jia you everyone !!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
3.11 AM
AHH now 21th November, after Blasting Prom Nite yesterday and now I'm still awake...sweat. That's abit too weird. I did enjoy taking photo with friend ~ Haha.
I first time wear contact lense ~ I took 1hour+ to learn, what a slow learner I'm. BUT
I still manage how to wear it ^^
I long time didnt go cut my very short hairstyle ! Each of my friend cant recognized my face ! HAhaa..I also feel suang ..but now I suffering "insomnia" ! I go forcing myself to sleep.
I first time wear contact lense ~ I took 1hour+ to learn, what a slow learner I'm. BUT
I still manage how to wear it ^^
I long time didnt go cut my very short hairstyle ! Each of my friend cant recognized my face ! HAhaa..I also feel suang ..but now I suffering "insomnia" ! I go forcing myself to sleep.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I having problem in manage my studies/homework/entertainment/etc..
Gosh...Can somebody out there give me suggestion !?
Gosh...Can somebody out there give me suggestion !?
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Facebook indeed good birthday reminder for me !
Thank you facebook.
Without you, I cannot greet all my friend's b'day.
Thank you facebook.
Without you, I cannot greet all my friend's b'day.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
I am
Heya, now is week 10 in swinburne. I have face all kind of problems. I have no idea what's going happen in the future. I'm looking present lives and hope can go the path that I want in the future !
I failed sometimes. I'm sad. I'm happy. I'm satisfied. I'm dumb. I'm jealous. I'm not confident myself.Overall, I gain experience what I have been through. I'd wish I'm like HIM, I see his shoulder who make me want push a big ROCK in front of me, I want be special than HIM. HIS LOVE sacrifice make who I'm right now. Without HIM, I'm not longer being called Linspire here or who I'm right now. =D
Guys out there..please encourage me to LOOK PRESENT instead BackWard. I want move forward to fight to get MY KEY. The key I have keep finding since secondary times until now. So keep fighting ! I may be bit selfish to asking you guys to bless me, BUT your encouraging is MY enzym to move further than expected. I'm sure everyone Looking forward and fight for what they dream for ! Jia you ! Gambateh !
I can do it ! You guys out there truly can make true of urself !
I failed sometimes. I'm sad. I'm happy. I'm satisfied. I'm dumb. I'm jealous. I'm not confident myself.Overall, I gain experience what I have been through. I'd wish I'm like HIM, I see his shoulder who make me want push a big ROCK in front of me, I want be special than HIM. HIS LOVE sacrifice make who I'm right now. Without HIM, I'm not longer being called Linspire here or who I'm right now. =D
Guys out there..please encourage me to LOOK PRESENT instead BackWard. I want move forward to fight to get MY KEY. The key I have keep finding since secondary times until now. So keep fighting ! I may be bit selfish to asking you guys to bless me, BUT your encouraging is MY enzym to move further than expected. I'm sure everyone Looking forward and fight for what they dream for ! Jia you ! Gambateh !
I can do it ! You guys out there truly can make true of urself !
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Inception 2010
Cool movie !
1 min stand for 10 mins in first layer dream. 10 hours for second dream of first dream.
10 years for 3rd dream of second dream. Is that possible ?
I'm not talking about engineering coding or drawing layers !
I personnally like the idea of story. Imagine you can live in your dream forever if you found you have failed to live in reality ? This may be good ideas for those who fade up
their lives. Evil smile!
For me.I will use it for my exam or my sweet memory. Hehe. Although the movie is quite long 2hours and 15mins ! It's good movie.
Refer to Inception_Movie_wikipedia,if you dont understand the story clearly.
Enjoy !
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Plan aloneself ?
Fighting alone ?
Lonely experience ?
Sharing alone ?
Emoing ?
Suffering ?
Affection from lust ?
Well..that's not just enough to be..strong.
Try anything possible..
I'm back here ^^
Plan aloneself ?
Fighting alone ?
Lonely experience ?
Sharing alone ?
Emoing ?
Suffering ?
Affection from lust ?
Well..that's not just enough to be..strong.
Try anything possible..
I'm back here ^^
Monday, April 5, 2010
魔羯座(12/22~1/19 )終極完美分析
朋友(最喜歡裝傻的星座) 魔羯的人都很沒有安全感,他們喜歡在任何人面前裝傻,這可不是一般的裝傻能力,魔羯人聰明就在於這點,他們認為只有傻子在會不牽扯到任何傷害,與其做一個聰明的人不如當一個傻子平凡而又隨意,如果不是值得魔羯相信的朋友魔羯永遠不會讓對方知道自己會有智慧,而無論安全與不安全魔羯對朋友都很真,他們很珍惜些朋友。 他們最希望獲得朋友的信任,如果從一個朋友那裡得不到信任,他不會再與這個朋友交往下去.和魔羯接觸過的人都會認為他們脾氣很好,好的似乎發傻,其實他們並不是脾氣好,只是他們很會裝,因為他們瞭解身邊的朋友的所有性格,所以他們在包容對方,就算你做了什麼過分的事,他們也早就想考慮好如果對方為什麼會這樣做,最明顯一點,你們可以去看看身邊魔羯的朋友,無論你怎麼做那些魔羯都不會很驚訝的,其實他們已經知道你為什麼會這樣了.魔羯的交友觀也很隨便,他們可能會和貴族很好,也可能會和乞丐聊天,一切的一切只是心靈的交往,很少有魔羯會有勢力眼,除非你這個人品太差了。
感情(超級白癡) 魔羯的人傻的可以,他們並不瞭解愛情,但是他們只知道愛的感覺,對於他們任何感情的表達都是一種感覺,他們很認真的感受每一個感覺,大部分感覺都可以一個人去感覺,最失敗的愛卻要兩個人,傻傻的魔羯一開始會認為,愛你是我自己的事情和你沒關係,可是到後來越來越感覺不是滋味,於是開始對對方表白,表白成功後卻不知道如何走下一步,也許是太不浪漫在作祟,魔羯的人可能會拿任何事情開玩笑,但是在愛情方面只要他說出"我愛你"或者話題談到將來結婚,那麼他絕對不是在開玩笑,魔羯很物質,但是這點和金牛處女不一樣,他們的物質表現在愛上,他們認為給所愛的人帶來無限的物質的就是最大的幸福,因為他們很自卑,唯一能用自己努力獲得來的就只有物質了。 當自己努力的去讓自己所愛的人幸福的時候,自己所愛的人卻因為其他的其他離開了他,而到最後自己卻不明白自己到底做錯了什麼,真是可憐的傢伙們.
追求: 魔羯的追求是認真的,只要對方不讓魔羯認為完全沒有機會,魔羯就會像瘋子一樣的追求著,他們其實對自己非常沒有信心,唯一的動力只是相信自己在愛著,為了對的起自己的感情,為了認真的去愛一回.
被追求: 魔羯對於不喜歡的人不會給予任何機會,魔羯的人很善良,而且他們知道長痛不如短痛的道理,如果魔羯勉強接受了你,那也是出於一種同情心,但是交往沒幾天他們就開始內疚,他們認為憐憫的愛對追求者來說是一種傷害,他們會盡量的躲避並且對追求者很冷淡追求者盡量的讓追求者開始討厭她/他.如果追求者不理解的話,放心最長不超過一年,魔羯會很理智的告訴你別在聯繫了,她/他會消失的無影無縱.
拒絕: 如果魔羯真的愛了就不會去拒絕你,永遠不會.被拒絕: 魔羯比任何一個星座對感情都很認真,恢復傷痕的時間也很長,他們會選擇消失,這樣對你對他都有好處,因為他怕多看你一眼而又再次無法自拔 他怕再多看你一眼 心如刀割 .
朋友(最喜歡裝傻的星座) 魔羯的人都很沒有安全感,他們喜歡在任何人面前裝傻,這可不是一般的裝傻能力,魔羯人聰明就在於這點,他們認為只有傻子在會不牽扯到任何傷害,與其做一個聰明的人不如當一個傻子平凡而又隨意,如果不是值得魔羯相信的朋友魔羯永遠不會讓對方知道自己會有智慧,而無論安全與不安全魔羯對朋友都很真,他們很珍惜些朋友。 他們最希望獲得朋友的信任,如果從一個朋友那裡得不到信任,他不會再與這個朋友交往下去.和魔羯接觸過的人都會認為他們脾氣很好,好的似乎發傻,其實他們並不是脾氣好,只是他們很會裝,因為他們瞭解身邊的朋友的所有性格,所以他們在包容對方,就算你做了什麼過分的事,他們也早就想考慮好如果對方為什麼會這樣做,最明顯一點,你們可以去看看身邊魔羯的朋友,無論你怎麼做那些魔羯都不會很驚訝的,其實他們已經知道你為什麼會這樣了.魔羯的交友觀也很隨便,他們可能會和貴族很好,也可能會和乞丐聊天,一切的一切只是心靈的交往,很少有魔羯會有勢力眼,除非你這個人品太差了。
感情(超級白癡) 魔羯的人傻的可以,他們並不瞭解愛情,但是他們只知道愛的感覺,對於他們任何感情的表達都是一種感覺,他們很認真的感受每一個感覺,大部分感覺都可以一個人去感覺,最失敗的愛卻要兩個人,傻傻的魔羯一開始會認為,愛你是我自己的事情和你沒關係,可是到後來越來越感覺不是滋味,於是開始對對方表白,表白成功後卻不知道如何走下一步,也許是太不浪漫在作祟,魔羯的人可能會拿任何事情開玩笑,但是在愛情方面只要他說出"我愛你"或者話題談到將來結婚,那麼他絕對不是在開玩笑,魔羯很物質,但是這點和金牛處女不一樣,他們的物質表現在愛上,他們認為給所愛的人帶來無限的物質的就是最大的幸福,因為他們很自卑,唯一能用自己努力獲得來的就只有物質了。 當自己努力的去讓自己所愛的人幸福的時候,自己所愛的人卻因為其他的其他離開了他,而到最後自己卻不明白自己到底做錯了什麼,真是可憐的傢伙們.
追求: 魔羯的追求是認真的,只要對方不讓魔羯認為完全沒有機會,魔羯就會像瘋子一樣的追求著,他們其實對自己非常沒有信心,唯一的動力只是相信自己在愛著,為了對的起自己的感情,為了認真的去愛一回.
被追求: 魔羯對於不喜歡的人不會給予任何機會,魔羯的人很善良,而且他們知道長痛不如短痛的道理,如果魔羯勉強接受了你,那也是出於一種同情心,但是交往沒幾天他們就開始內疚,他們認為憐憫的愛對追求者來說是一種傷害,他們會盡量的躲避並且對追求者很冷淡追求者盡量的讓追求者開始討厭她/他.如果追求者不理解的話,放心最長不超過一年,魔羯會很理智的告訴你別在聯繫了,她/他會消失的無影無縱.
拒絕: 如果魔羯真的愛了就不會去拒絕你,永遠不會.被拒絕: 魔羯比任何一個星座對感情都很認真,恢復傷痕的時間也很長,他們會選擇消失,這樣對你對他都有好處,因為他怕多看你一眼而又再次無法自拔 他怕再多看你一眼 心如刀割 .
credits to other ppl blog's
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Panda Lives or Pig Lives ?
Haha...I found out I love to take nap in the afternoon during weekend for week 2 of this current semester ! I dont know why ? I didnt do anything like exercise, learning play piano. I'm just enjoying movie,music and listen friends chatting and sharing !
Well, I hate talkative lecturer in the brain getting numb every class listen to them.
I maybe should learn how they teach with talking non-stop !
It's great to talk non-stop and of course it's bull-shit...hehe.
I'm feeling tense again when assignments and labs are coming out for each subject.
I'm feeling sighed when wushu training coming soon(need to stretch my both legs again x.x, I want be like Luffy in One Piece, rubber man !! so that I can perform any weird performance ! haha)
Guess, lives is like that !
Attached sleeping panda, weheee! I got panda eyes and like them like to sleep also.

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Typical learning.
Monday, March 8, 2010
New semester
New semester but everything looks odd to me.
I'm still feeling lost sometimes.
I'm glad for the past training with my manager.
Thank you for Rais, Rahim, Juliana, Ms Limm and Ms Yeo and Kelvin .
I'm believe without you guys, I'm may still weak as myself.
Emotional people are hardly to survive especially in this crucial society like me.
Unlike people said new year new achievement !
But for me, all are about improving myself but take years to get along if I'm still remember what I should improve for present and future..
Habits are hardest thing to change, well can I make it ?
Attitude can be changed if habit changes.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Not giving up
I'm not going to give up on you.
You're going be part of my entire lives.
Yes, you're just important as apart of my lives.
You're going be part of my entire lives.
Yes, you're just important as apart of my lives.
Sometimes, I'd think I want give up on you.
I got leave you for long moments which really want stay away from you.
I'm going keep fighting just like other people chasing their dream so do I.
When it's time to rest, I should take rest instead keep thinking.
when it's time to do, I should fully concentrate do instead keep thinking.
I know the time can fix it, if I keep going.
This journey is quite long to walk, am I able to reach this peak limit ?
"Attitudes order me forward or backward.
Habits change me each moments.
People soften my thoughts.
Surrounding make me impatiently.
Chase the chance with light of speed
Wish be will granted"
Well, I myself dont know how to explain above quote.
That's my feelings everyday.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Down down straight to the hill
I right now dont have any plan to goes through my every night after working.
I need to figure how to go through meaningful .
Free lance thinker..
But who going to guide me ??
I myself ? Experience from my lives every moments? Learn from experience ?
Monday, January 4, 2010
Done, It's over
Yes, it's over . I have managed to said out.
Even though it's sad ending but I'm satisfy because I dont drag my feeling anymore.
Gosh...hope both of us still friend. ^^
God bless me and her. =)
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